Coffee Cake and Reps 2024/25 Global Professional Award

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Coffee Cake and Reps 2024/25 Global Professional Award

*Academic Rep Event*

Coffee Cake and Reps

Join Irfan (Education Officer) and the Rep Team at our weekly coffee and cake catch up as we talk about all things representation.

Contact Irfan @educationhudsu

  • What is the best thing about your course?
  • What needs changing to make things better?
  • Anything else that we can help with?

This week’s speaker is from the Global Professional Award (GPA) Team and they will be talking to us about final deadlines and how to get the most out of your GPA.  Come and find out more and share this great information back with the students that you represent!

Don’t forget to fill in the Rep Tracker to let us know what you have been up to and maybe you will be this week’s spot prize winner!!! Fill in the tracker here: TRACKER

Anything else that we can help with or any specific cake requests then drop me a line at


Venue : Staff Area, Floor 5, SU

Type: Democracy or Student Voice

Start Date: Wednesday 05-02-2025 - 13:00

End date: Wednesday 05-02-2025 - 14:00

Capacity: 50

Contact Details

Heather Wade

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